Wednesday 28 August 2013

Week one... Strong is the new skinny!

Calling all gym dodgers, cake consumers and PE bunkers that want to finally get fit and healthy… this blog will follow my quest to fitness whilst still enjoying treats and ditching the gym.

I write a lifestyle blog on basically everything I like (or dislike). However, this blog is going to focus on my venture into the world of fitness.

Like most gym dodgers I will come up with literally any excuse not to exercise, ‘I’ve just washed my hair, I’m too tired, I don’t have time’- you name it I’ve probably said it. However, to not be able to run round the block at the (ripe old age) of 21 is pretty shocking and it is time for me to bin those excuses and get fit! 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a bit of a closet feminist (or not in the closet perhaps.) Thus for me anything that encourages women to be happy and active is a good thing and physical and mental health go hand in hand. So remember ladies strong is the new skinny! Being healthy is not about starving yourself it's about making your body stronger and your heart healthier.

This blog will keep a record of my ventures and hopefully will not only be motivational for me but will hopefully be helpful for my fellow gym dodgers!

I will be posting,
  • Updates on my workouts
  • Review of ResultsWithLucy workouts (for the good or bad)
  • Recipe ideas for healthy snacks and alternatives to our fatty favs
  • Reviews on diet tricks and top tips that I learn along the way
  • (And fingers crossed before and after pictures! I would post the before now but I cant reveal it till it has it's counterpart)

The workouts I post will not be gym workouts but effective short work outs to try at home and see what works for you.

Now I know what you’re thinking ‘what the hell do youuu know about fitness?’ Well you’re right in asking this because the answer is nought! However it is my learning process that will be documented here and I invite you to learn along with me. I'm not claiming I am a fitness guru or professional, so I won't be preaching at you but rather trying out the tricks of the trade.

Please feel free to leave comments or advice on any of my posts.

My first challenge is to ditch bread for the rest of the week! (An easy one to ease me in!) Oh and workout for 20-30mins every other day. Can't be that hard right?